The rent fee was levied by the court order.

- 2017-10-16
The claim in this civil case concerned the fulfillment of the obligations under the lease agreement. According to the lease agreement concluded between "MLL INDUSTRIES" LLC and "Father Son Adamyans" LLC, the latter, as a party to the lease agreement, was obliged to pay a rent for the property transferred to it, however, it did not.
On this ground, we brought a court claim to levy 19,466,000 AMD from the defendant.
During the preliminary hearing, the defendant requested the court to adjourn the hearing in order to negotiate with the claimant. Despite the fact that the latter's motion was satisfied by the court, the main purpose of the motion did not yield its results, thereby the court decided to uphold the claim in favor of "MLL INDUSTRIES" LLC and to levy the contract price from the opposing party. In addition, a penalty of 0.01% was calculated on the contract amount starting from 22.05.2014 until the final fulfillment of the obligation.